Recent content by Starmix

  1. Starmix

    Do you take a bath everyday?

    Taking a bath daily makes body happy and relaxed especially in this hot season. The sun wants to cook us.
  2. Starmix

    Sharing you ways to save money

    That's a very good technique in in saving our money. Let's just do it and little by little the savings accumulate.
  3. Starmix

    Always forgive to live a happier life

    Yes, and it's not hard to forgive. We can easily forget the pain and the injury the person causes us.
  4. Starmix

    Starting an online business

    Yeah, I have to maintain my positive mindset because not all day is bad. In fact I got 3 sales of my online business which is selling printed T-shirts.
  5. Starmix

    Respond in a timely manner to consumer's questions and issues

    Never delay the important issues the customers might hand on to the business owner. Once you delay your response the issues raised become complicated and trust disappears in split seconds.
  6. Starmix

    Tell yourself everyday : I was born to do great things

    That's right, action speaks louder more than words. Let the positive mindset empower your destiny and always feel you're great for that's how it leads you to the new version of yourself.
  7. Starmix

    Motivate yourself, do not listen to people who only see your mistake

    I agree with you. There are fault finder people. They are not busy so their minds are idle. We can listen and accept if their chickas are true, if not sue them for moral defamation.
  8. Starmix

    Relaxing time, RIF time with my favorite slow rock song BED OF ROSES ( Bon Jovi)

    I'm now sitting on bed while posting. I am about to sleep. I'm so tired from work. Beside me is one mug Rocky Road brand, ice cream.
  9. Starmix

    I'm relaxing my mood in this rainy evening

    You buy your kids a portable and USB type electric fan. That is what I'm doing when I make a room to room in the campus.
  10. Starmix

    Trust is like eraser, it gets smaller with every mistake

    Life will not be complete if trust is gone especially to the customers who bring money to the business center. They must maintain their trust to the business owner and workers that their services remain appealing to them.
  11. Starmix

    Reasons why dream big in business

    It's an automatic knowledge that once you build business you're skilled not dumb. Money is at stake so by all means the business owner executes all his skills and potentialities.
  12. Starmix

    Hearing the waves of the sea while relaxing at this moment

    That's good planning for an outing in the beach especially this time heat waves attack Asia. It's extremely hot in the Philippines.
  13. Starmix

    The most important thing in your business is to build your body and skills first

    A skill plays vital role in the accomplishments of your targets which is to step your business to the next level. It empowers your business.
  14. Starmix

    Failure is inevitable

    It doesn't that because you failed you can't make your business and yourself straight. Just fix the causes of such failure then improve your plans and strategies.
  15. Starmix

    Is catering services a good business?

    Catering services is common in the city where I live but when prices are skyrocketing the price of the food increases, thus customers are getting fewer.