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  1. flower

    Which are the best sites for online money making in 2023?

    You can try to sell things online with dropshipping. It's a viable online business with minimal upfront investment.
  2. flower

    Suggest a successful business idea in this digital age

    You are absolutely correct! The kind skill you earn will helping to determine your success in whatever business you find yourself doing. It is very necessary to garner the necessary digital skills.
  3. flower

    Do You Think Age Matters For Success

    It is very important to note that age contribute to one's success sometimes because it improve our experience but it is not a yardstick to achieving success in all our endeavours.
  4. flower

    Job Vs. Self Employment

    I prefer self-employment because it gives you opportunity to make more money and you also become your a boss . You can also make your decision count if you own your business.
  5. flower

    Success has no age limit in business

    It is very correct that success does not have age limit and that is why it is important to do the needful and gain relevant skills while you are still very young.
  6. flower

    Who would you recommend to manage your business when you retire?

    I will only recommend someone that has business acumen and that is how I can be rest assured on the business and that is will be well managed after I'm gone.
  7. flower

    What are the advantages of online business?

    The advantages involving online business cannot be overemphasized and that is why it is important to gain enough skills especially the digital skills before you can tap into the opportunity.
  8. flower

    Limit the cash advances of your employees

    I do not see anything wrong in giving cash advance to the employees but whenever you want to give the cash advance, it has to have cogent reasons for doing it.
  9. flower

    Don't turn your back on your customers needing your assistance

    It is totally wrong to turn your back on the customers that needs your assistance because you need to build a strong customer relationship and that is how you can gain their trust and enhance your revenue.
  10. flower

    Starting up an elderly care business

    Starting up an elderly care business is a lucrative business provided to have enough experience and you must be able to understand the needs and preference of your clients .
  11. flower

    How can I make decent money on freelancing site?

    There are several ways at which you can make money on freelancing site but you need to have enough experience and you must gain enough skills if you really want to make decent amount of income on those platforms.
  12. flower

    How can I prepare a profitable business idea?

    There are different ways at which you can prepare profitable business ideas and that is why it is necessary to ensure that you have enough experience on business management .
  13. flower

    Most difficult aspect of being a business owner?

    Being a business owner is a very difficult task because it requires a lot of planning and you also need to have enough experience on how to manage business before you can succeed in it.
  14. flower

    Is selling a social media account a good way to make money?

    I've come across different kinds of marketplace where they sell social media account. Although , it may it might be against the terms and conditions of social media platforms .
  15. flower

    Boost your motivation instantly

    There are a lot of ways at which you can boost your motivation and that is why it is necessary to ensure that you do the needful and conduct proper research before you enjoying to any investment.
  16. flower

    How to earn on

    Airdrops are legitimate ways to make money in cryptocurrency but you must understand that majority of the airdrops are scams and that is why we need to be a very careful.
  17. flower

    How to make money just by writing ?

    There are lot of opportunities available for writers to make decent amount of income for themselves especially if they have professional level writing skills. They will be able to utilize platforms like upwork and fiverr to make money.
  18. flower

    Google Ads Tips: 7 Ways to Increase Bids

    The Google ads works on the model of clicks because the amount you are going to earn through this network depends on the amount of clicks and impression you're able to get.
  19. flower

    What Are the Best Ways to Sell on Instagram?

    One of the best ways to sell on Instagram is to grow your following and try to create engagement with your post. Also make sure that you also build trust with your audience.
  20. flower

    How to create wealth through poultry farming.

    The poultry business is a very lucrative investment but is important to understand that this type of business needs a lot of knowledge and you also need to have enough capital to start.