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  1. S

    Should I manage a school by myself as the business owner?

    I think you should hire the experiences people to manage the school for you for that matter.
  2. S

    At what age should a parent stop taking care of a child?

    I think there is no time that the parents would cease taking care of their children in their lifetime.
  3. S

    Have ever used the electric motor bike?

    Of course yes as they are quiet very available in my country for the time being.
  4. S

    Have you ever dozed off when traveling on the train?

    It feels so great to travel by the train for that matter. It's very secure and safer way for the transportation.
  5. S

    Have you ever managed to tell lies for your personal gain?

    I wouldn't allow that to happen in my life as l believe in that holy bible that condemns that for sure.
  6. S

    Today being on a Sunday, will you go to church?

    For me l normally go to the church on Sundays and sometimes during the week days. What of you?
  7. S

    Do you do the laundry work by yourself?

    Most people are very busy and lack the time for washing and ironing their own clothes. Instead they hire people to do the job for them. What do you say about that?
  8. S

    Have you ever thought of quitting your job over low pay?

    With the raised cost of living, it's feels very humiliating when you have a very low paying job. This can ditch you into indebtedness with the bid to make ends meet.
  9. S

    What is the effect for using of the smartphone while charging?

    Most people often use the smartphone while charging. What do you think is the danger posed on that way?
  10. S

    Do you use the fridge guard?

    It's however advised to use the fridge guard as it can protect the machine for the abrupt increase in the voltage.
  11. S

    This stroll was worth it.

    I think that it was a very great experience to explore the garden with the pleasant stroll.
  12. S

    Shower or bathtub

    For sure l don't like the Idea for the bathtub. What l am conveniently with is taking the shower.
  13. S

    Do you take bath/shower daily?

    For me l take the bath for like two times in a single day. It feels so good to have a bath in the morning just after l have woken up.
  14. S

    Do you prefer A soap or Bath gel/ Shower gel for the bath?

    I have been using the bathing soaps ever since. l don't like the shower gel for that matter.
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    I really don't have time for that. I just take showers on the bathrooms and that's all.
  16. S

    What a shower that was!!

    Here the rains vanished since some three weeks ago. The planted crops crave for the rains so much
  17. S

    What was your strategies for accomplishing the saving goals?

    Alternatively the check of system whereby the bank saves you a certain percentage of the money credited to the account to a separate account can really help.
  18. S

    How does social media encourage people to embrace their true selves?

    I wonder how the social media sites would manage that one. Because users have the right to use any photos of their choice.
  19. S

    What does it feel when you are not paid on time?

    I once experienced that in the workplace whereby all the workers organised the strike till the payment was made.
  20. S

    What does a budget tell you?

    The budget seems to guide one to the right financial path and encourage wise spending and saving for the future.